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Notions about MotionsТехнологии Android

Доклад отозван
Maurice Gavin

Maurice is the Android Lead at Toothpic in Dublin, Ireland. He has been working with Android since 2010 and is currently using his skills to make quality dental care more accessible through tele-dentistry. His interests include machine learning, mobile security and clean architecture. In his spare time he enjoys to travel, run and play computer games.


Have ever opened your designer’s mockup only to throw your hands up in despair?

You might have seen animations in your favourite app and wondered how many hours that took. Now, thanks to the introduction of MotionLayout earlier this year, delighting our users with elegant and meaningful motion has never been easier.

Come along to this session and you’ll learn how you can use ConstraintLayout 2.0 and MotionLayout to build complex UI interactions with ease.

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