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Learn to ErrАрхитектура

Доклад отклонён
Jorge D. Ortiz-Fuentes
Canonical Examples

Jorge is a freelancer dedicated to mobile development, security, and systems architecture. As a developer he started to work for the M.I.T. in 1993 and since then he has collaborated in many software projects. Most of them were internally for HP where he worked for more than 15 years. Since 2008 he has been working in different aspects of mobile development. After playing with PalmOS, he learned Android programming for the first Android Developer Challenge and immediately started to play with the first iPhone SDK. He often participates as instructor in the best iOS and Android Bootcamps in U.S.A. and Europe. He has recently founded Canonical Examples to help other developers to take a step forward and become senior developers in a very demanding market.


It would be great if we could always keep our users in the happy path. But the best apps are those that deal properly with any unexpected situations. In this talk I will dive deep into the details of error handling.
I will try to answer to the following questions that you may have asked yourself while developing your apps:
- When should I use errors (versus other options like a simple optional)?
- How do I implement errors to get the most out of them?
- What should I take into account in an advanced architecture regarding error handling? When and how do I do error translation?
- What is the proper implementation if I want to go functional? How to avoid partial functions?

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