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The challenges in building a social app using objective c/swiftТехнологии iOS

Доклад отклонён
Alicia V Carr
Purple Evolution Inc. (PEVO)

Alicia is the first woman of color self taught mobile developer to create a domestic violence app Purple Evolution, Inc(PEVO) dedicated to helping victims escape abuse. She used her acquired skills as a developer to make a difference. Alicia also dedicated her time to empowering women in tech with Women Who Code, she has received several major acknowledgment from Apple at WWDC15 and WWDC16 being the first black woman to be in an Apple 2016 new beginnings video and GitHub in there I am a developer video.


Anyone can create and change the way things are by using tech to solve a problem in the community. How I, as a woman seeing my female family members and friends being abused, decided to do something about it. That is why I created a social app - PEVO - that can change the world. This talk is about how I came to building PEVO doing the research reaching out to victims to help me understand how to help them in building an app that can save lives.

Технологии и языки для iOS: ObjectiveC, Swift

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